General Information
The T-Stick 5GW consists of a custom ESP32 board which integrates a ESP32-S3 WROOM 2 Module with a ICM20948 IMU and MAX17055 on a single board, and a touch board that has a pinout for the Trill Craft board as well as, two JST-SH 4 pin connectors to daisy chain multiple touch boards together.
For information on how to use the T-Stick 5GW check out the guides below:
5th Generation T-Sticks
Click each box to get more information on each variant of the T-Stick 5GW
T-Stick 5GW-Trill
An ESP32-S3 based T-Stick using the Bela Trill Touch Board.
T-Stick 5GW-Enchanti
An ESP32-S3 based T-Stick using a custom touch board.